we are the pussybats. we play alternaglamrock. we are from germany. and this way, we want to keep you updated on the production process of our next album.

Monday, February 1, 2010

take (p)art in our new album!

hey pussylovers and -lovettes,

as some might know we're releasing a couple of songs this summer. and here's the great thing: you can be part of this release. how? no, we don't want you to do music. that should be our job. but we give you (yes, you! right behind your computer) the chance to take the album to the next level - visual-wise. or, in other words: we're too lazy and / or too broke to do it ourselves...

below you'll find the list of songs we're recording. and, to stimulate your imagination, something about the overall feel and atmosphere of the song. with three tags: one word about the content, the matching colour and the matching drug. if you feel the inspiration coming, grab your keyboard, mouse, pencil, or whatever appropriate and paint, photograph or write something to one of these songs. or more than one. or all of them. up to you. send it to us: art@thepussybats.com

the plan is to do a booklet, one page a song, one piece of your art per song.

what we can't promise: to pick your submission. or to pick any submission at all - although we've got greatest faith in you and really look forward to your works, we will only use those pieces that really kick us. this, of course, strictly subjective. but we won't compromise our album, that's just not our way of doing things.

what we can promise: we're fucking excited about your submissions and will look carefully at each and everyone. we can also promise that noone who submits something will do it in vain - every serious submission will be rewarded. for example with one unreleased song exclusively for those who participate! and other things - be curious! those pieces we'll pick for the booklet will be rewarded in a special way, with a free album and a ticket for a pussybats show of your choice. and, by the way - we've some concepts in mind already to use more or all of the submission in some way or anaother. but of course we won't do anything without your permission so we contact you to check details.

ok, in brief, what's to do?

- check out the songs below.
- get inspired
- do a work of art (everything that can be printed, so paintings, photographs, texts preferred)
- send it to art@thepussybats.com
- we'll contact each and anyone how to proceed. we won't use anything without your permission and noone will be unrewarded!

and here they are... the songs, in no particular order

- put your red nose on [vanity, red, cocaine]
- full moon [faith, midnight blue, religion]
- miss purgatory [lust and lashes, pink, alcohol]
- my name is pain [sins of the past, stained white, heroine]
- sidney fears [insanity, cyan, acid]
- scary / fairy [dangerous romance, violet, methadone]
- clownsome [sad comedy, brown, N2O]
- any other day in hell [the weight of the world, grey, glue]
- for a revolution [new beginning, orange, pot]
- subversive [deception, yellow, xtc]
- tunes 4 tragedy [avoiding the end, crystal meth]

can't wait to see your pieces!

yours eternally,
the bats

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